OK, 3rd World America. Headlines: STOCK MARKET IS CRASHING: DuPont Bottom Line Is Lower By 98%, UPS’s Earning Fell by 56%, Bank Of Canada Is About To Withdraw Monetary Stimulus, And BERNANKE Is Leaving The Fed!!

Plus additional News and Videos:

8 Reasons Why No One Should Ignore the Coming Economic Collapse

News Not Revealing Real Reasons For Economic Collapse - Paul Craig Roberts

STOCK MARKET IS CRASHING: DuPont Bottom Line Is Lower By 98%, UPS’s Earning Fell by 56%, Bank Of Canada Is About To Withdraw Monetary Stimulus, And BERNANKE Is Leaving The Fed!!

And now for the Alternative News…

8 Reasons Why No One Should Ignore the Coming Economic Collapse

Most people just assume that since things have always been a certain way that they will always be that way in the future. Most people just have blind faith that the people running our government and our financial system know exactly what they are doing and that they are doing their best to take care of us.

In fact, once upon a time I was fully convinced of that. When I was a kid I quickly realized that my elementary school teachers really didn't have the answers, but I had total faith that those running society at the highest levels were "experts" who were looking out for our best interests. As time went on I kept progressing in my education, and by the time I was finished with law school I came to understand that none of our "experts" really know what they are doing, and they are definitely not looking out for our best interests.

Learn more here:  

News Not Revealing Real Reasons For Economic Collapse

This is a snippet of a longer interview. Outsourcing is a major blame - No middle Class jobs left. No jobs for University graduates. Manufacturing has been destroyed. And therefore no income. Powerful corporations are happy with this.
No discussion on this situation is happening. Sovereign debt is being used to strengthen the EU, weaken the individual states, and also to let the banks off the hook for any responsibilty.

The protests in Greece and Spain could turn into revolutions.

h/t comment:

This has been planned for a very long time. Our leaders are corrupt. From: jim1088

News Not Revealing Real Reasons For Economic Collapse - Paul Craig Roberts  

And for the latest news (10-23-12)

STOCK MARKET IS CRASHING: DuPont Bottom Line Is Lower By 98%, UPS’s Earning Fell by 56%, Bank Of Canada Is About To Withdraw Monetary Stimulus, And BERNANKE Is Leaving The Fed!!

MARKETS ARE CRATERING — Earnings Coming In Ugly
Dow Jones
13,179.40 -166.49 (-1.25%)
S&P 500
1,416.99 -16.83 (-1.17%)
2,984.15 -32.81 (-1.09%)

Learn more here:  

The videos below were embedded on the article above.

Economic Collapse is happening 

Global, Economic, Collapse, Movie, 1981, Rollover, Predicts ...

Rollover 1981... world economic collapse 
We are the MEDIA! Stop the Boiling Frog Syndrome!

Nobody OWNS your Mind but YOU! #TwoPartyConJob 

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #BarittObamney

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.” #TPD #TPP

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE the Self-Interest Politicians OUT in Congress! #Agenda21 Law of Sea Treaty > #LOST

Because the Game is Rigged then it needs an Illegitimate result!

Tomorrow is the End of Today! Deep Underground Military Bases #DUMBs


Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty

OK, 3rd World America. Headlines: US Plan to Attack Iran with Nuclear Weapons, Devised Under Bush and Project Camelot!

U.S. plans to attack Iran with a mix of nuclear and conventional weapons have been in readiness since June, 2005, a distinguished authority on international affairs says.

"Confirmed by military documents as well as official statements, both the U.S. and Israel contemplate the use of nuclear weapons directed against Iran," writes University of Ottawa Professor (Emeritus) Michel Chossudovsky, in a recently released book entitled "Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War."

The plans were formulated in 2004. The previous year, Congress gave the Pentagon the green light to use tactical nukes in conventional war theaters such as the Middle East and Central Asia, allocating $6 billion in 2004 alone to create this new generation of "defensive" weapons.

Learn more here:

And now for the top of the news...
Underground Bases and Tunnels - Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) (Embedded Photos and Video links)

From Dr Bill Deagle's December 2006 Granada Forum Lecture: Video   

I took care of John Fialla, who was best friends with Phil Schneider. How many people know about Phil Schneider? Well, they were using tunneling machines back in the mid-90s that could tunnel through a rock face at seven miles per day, that could cut through a rock face with high-energy impact lasers that could blow the nano-sized particles of rock so that there was no debris left, forming an obsidian-like core, and laying an inner core for unidirectional maglev trains that travel at Mach 2 to 2.8 underground between these very very powerful and organized cities.

There's 132 under the United States, an average of 5.36 to 7.24 cubic miles in size at an average of 1.5 to 4.5 miles underground, built, by and large, most of them in areas away from geotectonic areas - but there's going to be lots of new geotectonic faults established when you have force 11, 12, 13, 14 earthquakes hit the Earth.

Why are they rushing to do this? Because they know that catastrophe is coming. And where's this money coming from? It's not coming from our regular Black Op budget. It's coming from the illegal sale of drugs. In the United States there's at least, by conservative estimates, a quarter of a trillion to a half a trillion of illegal drugs just sold in the United States that goes directly into underground budgets, and 90-95% goes to the DUMBs [Deep Underground Military Bases].

Learn more Project Camelot:  

SYNOPSIS: 3rd World Peeps of A. 3 cents….

Folks, another wishful thinking…Do you feel safe if you have deep underground that can protect you and your family when this shit happens?
Well actually you have been contributed for the Project Camelot, a.k.a. Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). Sad to say, that your contribution was well accepted, however, you and your family are not welcome to stay in #DUMBs. Only those Puppeteers and the GREAT Puppets can stay to be safe when the shit comes.

So, go back to sleep - zombies need more sleep - you know!

We are the MEDIA! Stop the Boiling Frog Syndrome!

Nobody OWNS your Mind but YOU! #TwoPartyConJob

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #BarittObamney

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.” #TPD #TPP

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE the Self-Interest Politicians OUT in Congress! #Agenda21 Law of Sea Treaty > #LOST

Because the Game is Rigged then it needs an Illegitimate result!

Tomorrow is the End of Today! Deep Underground Military Bases #DUMBs

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty

Triple Headlines: Nobel Mass Murder Prize, Two-Party Oligarchy Vs. The People and George Carlin the illusion of freedom!

Plus additional News and Videos:

"There Are No Words That Excuse the Killing of Innocents" -- President Obama

NDAA: The Biggest Election Issue No One’s Talking About
Reality Check: Influence Peddling? Biggest Contributors To The 2012 Election
Nobel Mass Murder Prize
WRC Wrap-Up: Protesters get Free Phones with TSA Obedience Class!
Auction 2012: Two-Party Oligarchy Vs. The People
U.S. elections: a TV reality show
George Carlin the illusion of freedom
The Little Government that Could
Coast to Coast AM interview with Jim Marrs

Two more important issues are GMO and H.R. 347 besides the obvious ones: If you haven’t read my previous post, here’s the link: Obama & Romney: Two Sides of Same Evil 

For H.R. 347, Self-Interest Politicians and The Candidates! Pages.

And now for the Alternative News…

"There Are No Words That Excuse the Killing of Innocents" -- President Obama

Did I hear that right? Did President Barack Obama actually utter those words to the people of the world in a speech before the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2012? So, based on those explicit words, can he even begin to explain, let alone justify, the ongoing tragic deaths of innocent civilians that are being caused by drone attacks that he has personally authorized?

When Mr. Obama referred to the killing of "innocents" was he speaking of the needless, tragic killing of innocent people no matter who they are or in what country they may reside? Or did he mean, as most media observers would conclude, the tragic, needless deaths of the American ambassador and three other diplomats in the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya?

Learn more here:

NDAA: The Biggest Election Issue No One’s Talking About

(Cracked) – You don’t have to live alone in the woods, reading issues of Guns and Ammo and co-writing your manifesto with beard lice, to be terrified about the state of basic freedoms in America today. Given the counterterrorism provisions in the fairly recent National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), we currently live in a country where the government can pick up American citizens and detain them indefinitely without access to a lawyer or even a criminal trial.

That means locked up forever without even the basic protections we afford to rapists and murderers.

“That can’t be right,” you say. “Such a power would be completely unconstitutional!”And you’re right. Even President Obama said he had “serious reservations with certain provisions [of the bill] that regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists.” And then he signed it.

Learn more here:

Ben Swann Reality Check looks at the top 5 big money donors to the 2012 election thus far.

Reality Check: Influence Peddling? Biggest Contributors To The 2012 Election 

Abby Martin takes a look at who Alfred Nobel was, and highlights a few of the most controversial Americans to have received the coveted Nobel Peace prize. The list might surprise you.

Nobel Mass Murder Prize | Brainwash Update 

Sierra Adamson breaks down this week's WRC Wrap-Up.

WRC Wrap-Up: Protesters get Free Phones with TSA Obedience Class! 

Auction 2012: Two-Party Oligarchy Vs. The People (Video and Zombie Photo)

Zombie more here:  

As America's presidential election approaches, RT's Anastasia Churkina takes a look at the way candidates have been putting on a show - and the media eating it right up instead of demanding answers to questions that should matter ahead of Americans heading to the polls to cast their votes.

U.S. elections: a TV reality show 

SYNOPSIS: 3rd World Peeps of A. 3 cents…

The Global Elites and their GREAT puppets successfully transformed majority of the masses into a Human RoBOT. When this illusion will end? That’s a BIG question…

For now…the Illusion of Freedom continues on… Go back to sleep…

With that, I’ll leave you with one bedtime story video and one audio interview that you can analyze. That’s what human’s do. Ain’t it great to have a human brain?!

The Little Government that Could

Topher tells a bed time story to the American people, from the perspective of the American government. The poor American government just wanted to grow up to be big and strong like the governments in Europe, but his mean Fathers wouldn't let him. Follow this happy tale of how a little government made his dreams come true...

Credit: Topher Field ~ The Little Government That Could [Video]

The Little Government that Could

Coast to Coast AM interview with Jim Marrs

Journalist and author Jim Marrs discussed his new book The Rise of the Fourth Reich, which posits that Nazi ideology threatens to overtake America. This authoritarian ideology-- that the end justifies the means, is practiced by various secret societies" sometimes called the Illuminati, who function within the US as well as globally, he explained.

A number of powerful and wealthy families in America supported the Nazis leading up to WWII, and these same families own media conglomerates and corporate entities that exist today, he detailed. As many as 100,000 Nazis were brought over to the U.S. after the war-- some sharing their advanced technology in programs such as Project Paperclip, in exchange for immunity, said Marrs.

He described technology such as the Nazi Bell, a large conical shaped device with rotating magnetic fields which allowed for the manipulation of energy at both the atomic and subatomic level. This may have been the same technology used in the Philadelphia Experiment, he noted. The Nazis had flying saucer technology on the drawing board as well, he added.

Marrs estimated the Illuminati are about 75% on their way to executing their plan of microchipping and controlling the world's population.

In his 2008 book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, Jim Marrs argues that some surviving members of Germany's Third Reich, along with sympathizers in the United States and elsewhere, given safe haven by organizations such as ODESSA and Die Spinne, have been working behind the scenes since the end of World War II to enact at least some of the principles of Nazism (e.g. militarism, fascism, conquest, widespread spying on citizens, use of corporations and
propaganda to control national interests and ideas) into culture, government, and business worldwide, but primarily in the United States. He cites the influence of Nazis brought into the United States at the end of World War II, such as Nazi scientists brought in under Operation Paperclip to help advance aerospace in the US, and the acquisition and creation of conglomerates by Nazis and their sympathizers after the war, in both Europe and the United States.

Writers such as Mark Dice, David Icke, Texe Marrs, Jüri Lina and Morgan Gricar have argued that the Bavarian Illuminati survived, possibly to this day. Many of these theories propose that world events are being controlled and manipulated by a secret society calling itself the Illuminati.Conspiracy theorists have claimed that many notable people were or are members of the Illuminati. Presidents of the United States are a common target for such claims.

A key figure in the conspiracy theory movement, Myron Fagan, devoted his latter years to finding evidence that a variety of historical events from Waterloo, The French Revolution, President John F. Kennedy's assassination and an alleged communist plot to hasten the New World Order by infiltrating the Hollywood film industry, were all orchestrated by the Illuminati.

In conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian one-world government.

The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which replaces sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologizes its establishment as the culmination of history's progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal operating through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.

Prior to the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right, and secondarily fundamentalist Christians concerned with end-time emergence of the Antichrist. Skeptics, such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet, have observed that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order have now not only been embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but have seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating an unrivaled period of people actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios in the United States of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. These political scientists are concerned that this mass hysteria could have what they judge to be devastating effects on American political life, ranging from widespread political alienation to escalating lone-wolf terrorism.

NWO : The Rise of the Fourth Reich

We are the MEDIA! Stop the Boiling Frog Syndrome!

Nobody OWNS your Mind but YOU!

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon?

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.” #TPD #TPP

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE the Self-Interest Politicians OUT in Congress! #Agenda21 Law of Sea Treaty > #LOST

Because the Game is Rigged then it needs an Illegitimate result!

Tomorrow is the End of Today!

Peace, Truth & Freedom

OK, 3rd World America. Triple Headlines: THE POWER ELITE'S USE OF WARS AND CRISES, Vladimir Putin exposes the World Tyranny and Global Terrorists or New World Order?

Plus additional News and Videos:
Syrian Government to blame - Amnesty International reports

Bahraini protesters march for downfall of regime

Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing "State Sponsored News" in Bahrain

Fox News Cuts off Girl Telling the Truth About Russia

Russia: ‘Our role in downing Turkish jet in Syria – fantasy and nonsense’

Putin blames West for global chaos

Coup D'état in Ecuador — Breaking News

'US upset about Iran-Iraq-Syria alliance'

President Putin calls NATO relic of Cold War

Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Russia: Threat of Regional, Global War

Interview 548 – Rick Rozoff on NATO’s Expansion (Audio)

Russia Will Not Renew Arms Deal With US

Global Terrorists or New World Order?

SOLA 3.9 The Rape of Russia

Vladimir Putin exposes the NWO PART 1


Remember this quote: "I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." 

~Albert Einstein~

And now for the Alternative News…

Interview - Diana Johnstone 09-03-12 (AUDIO)

Eric sits down with political writer Diana Johnstone to discuss a variety of issues related to subversion, propaganda and US imperialism. Diana explains her recent article "The Decline of Political Protest" which examines the decline of Amnesty International into little more than an extension of the State Department and US intelligence. Also, Eric and Diana analyze the continued destabilization of Russia and constant anti-Putin demagogy in the context of the US agenda.

Additionally, they discuss the truth of the US aggression against Yugoslavia and the geopolitical reasons behind it.

Diana Johnstone is a political writer based in Paris, France. Her book Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO, and Western Delusions is one of the foremost works that deconstructs and refutes the mythology surrounding the war in the Balkans as created by the Western media. She is a frequent contributor to Counterpunch.org, GlobalResearch.ca and other sites.

Listen and Learn more here:
Syrian Government to blame - Amnesty International reports

Amnesty International reports the Syrian Government is to blame for the vast majority of violations being committed in the war torn country

Syrian Government to blame - Amnesty International reports

Bahraini protesters march for downfall of regime

People have taken to the streets in Bahrain to call for the downfall of the ruling Al Khalifa regime in the Persian Gulf country.

Protesters marched in Manama and several other towns near the capital on Monday.

They also expressed solidarity with imprisoned medics who announced earlier that they had begun a hunger strike.

Learn more here:  

Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing "State Sponsored News" in Bahrain

The Amber Lyon story is just the latest in a series of articles that expose the total Joseph Goebbels like censorship rampant in mainstream media today. The first one I posted several weeks ago exposed how the NY Times basically just regurgitates whatever government officials tell them, while the other showcased how an NPR reporter covering D.C. had to leave and do her own thing out of frustration. This is precisely why alternative media sites are taking off. They provide the only outlets left for genuine journalism. http://www.amberlyonlive.com/

So back to Amber. Back in March 2011, CNN sent a four person team to Bahrain to cover the Arab Spring. Once there, the crew was the subject of extreme intimidation amongst other things, but they were able to record some fantastic footage. As Glenn Greenwald of the UK's Guardian writes in his blockbuster article from today:

"In the segment, Lyon interviewed activists as they explicitly described their torture at the hands of government forces, while family members recounted their relatives' abrupt disappearances. She spoke with government officials justifying the imprisonment of activists. And the segment featured harrowing video footage of regime forces shooting unarmed demonstrators, along with the mass arrests of peaceful protesters. In sum, the early 2011 CNN segment on Bahrain presented one of the starkest reports to date of the brutal repression embraced by the US-backed regime.

Despite these accolades, and despite the dangers their own journalists and their sources endured to produce it, CNN International (CNNi) never broadcast the documentary. Even in the face of numerous inquiries and complaints from their own employees inside CNN, it continued to refuse to broadcast the program or even provide any explanation for the decision. To date, this documentary has never aired on CNNi.

Having just returned from Bahrain, Lyon says she "saw first-hand that these regime claims were lies, and I couldn't believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be government lies into my reporting."
Michael Krieger
Liberty Blitzkrieg.com

Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing "State Sponsored News" in Bahrain   

Fox News Cuts off Girl Telling the Truth About Russia

The media will not mention that Georgia was attacked first and that Russia retaliated in self defence.

h/t comment:
"I want to give you 30 seconds to complete your thought, so go ahead." Twelve seconds later. "Ten seconds." Six seconds after that, he cuts her off. Fox News has determined that 18 seconds is half of a minute. From: Dovasem

Fox News Cuts off Girl Telling the Truth About Russia 

Russia: ‘Our role in downing Turkish jet in Syria – fantasy and nonsense’

Moscow has denied claims concerning its “guidance” in downing a Turkish jet in Syria and “eliminating" two pilots after the crash this July. The assertion of Russian involvement was made on an Al Arabiya program based on “highly-classified docs.”

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said the information presented by the Saudi-owned news channel on Saturday is “utter nonsense.”

“It is ridiculous even to comment on this nonsense, but, unfortunately, we have to,” reads the Monday statement. “These far-from-harmless fantasies are based on 'intelligence databases,' obtained by Al Arabiya from open sources, including the official website of the RIA Novosti news agency." It continued, “The authors of this forgery did not even bother to remove the respective logo from the allegedly ‘secret document.’”

Syria’s anti-aircraft artillery shot down a Turkish fighter jet on July 22 because, according to a Syrian military spokesperson at the time, it violated Syria’s airspace. The incident deepened the crisis between the neighboring former allies. Following the incident, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his government now regarded Syria as a “clear and imminent threat.”

Learn more here:  

Putin blames West for global chaos

The Russian leader did not hesitate to name who is responsible for sowing the seeds of disorder that is gripping many parts of the world, including in Syria.
"Our partners just can't stop,” Putin said at a meeting with representatives of one of Russia's regions. “They have already created chaos in many territories, and now they are continuing the same policy in other countries, including Syria."

Learn more here:
Coup D'état in Ecuador — Breaking News

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa says police forces and other sectors prepared a coup attempt. He was hospitalized because of injuries sustained during an attack by police with tear gas. Eva Golinger says the coup is in fact currently taking place and the attempt was a success. Police and military forces are not letting members of President Correa's government into a military hospital that he was brought to. The police are protesting a law that would take away their benefits.

Coup D'état in Ecuador — Breaking News

'US upset about Iran-Iraq-Syria alliance'

Russian President Vladimir Putin has postponed a scheduled visit to Turkey amid Moscow's anger at Ankara over the forced landing of a Syria-bound plane carrying Russian nationals.

According to media reports, Putin was scheduled to visit Turkey on October 15.
The news came only one day after Turkey's F-16 jets intercepted the Syrian Airbus A320 late Wednesday and escorted it to Ankara's Esenboga Airport.
Moscow asked Ankara for clarification over the forced landing of the Syrian plane, which was carrying 17 Russian nationals including children.
Press TV talks with Gordon Duff, a senior editor of Veterans Today, regarding the issue.

'US upset about Iran-Iraq-Syria alliance' 
President Putin calls NATO relic of Cold War

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called NATO as an atavism of the Cold War, saying that it is difficult to understand why an organization such as "NATO should be existing today".

"Why it (NATO) still exists in modern times, is just not clear. It is to a significant extent a throwback to the times of the Cold War…," DPA quoted the Russian President Vladimir Putin as saying at a Russian-leased base in Tajikistan on Friday.

Learn more relic of Cold War here:
Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Russia: Threat of Regional, Global War

By providing financial assistance and arms [the] Sunni coalition and its Western supporters converted the Syrian uprising into a civil war. The danger is that this sectarian coalition might backfire at the end of the day and plunge Turkey and the region into sectarian war catastrophe.

Worse, talking about Turkey unilaterally, or as part of a Western coalition looking to willing occupy Syria, are nothing less than trumpeting for the Syria crisis to turn into a regional war, if not a much bigger global war of attrition.

Stop NATO here:  

Interview 548 – Rick Rozoff on NATO’s Expansion (Audio)

The increasingly inaccurately named “North Atlantic Treaty Organization” has long since expanded beyond the North Atlantic, but these days it is signing military agreements and missile defense systems in places like the Mediterranean, Central Asia, and even East Asia. Joining us to discuss this phenomenon is Rick Rozoff of Stop NATO International.

Source here:  

Russia Will Not Renew Arms Deal With US

Russia says it will not renew a two-decade-old agreement with the United States aimed at securing nuclear and chemical weapons in the former Soviet Union.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said it will not accept a U.S. proposal to extend the deal without a major overhaul.

A ministry statement said U.S. officials know their proposal does not meet Russia's ideas of further cooperation on the program. It said Russia needs a different and more modern legal framework.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, U.S. Senators Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar sponsored the legislation that launched the program.

A White House spokesman, Josh Earnest, said President Barack Obama believes the program is still valuable and beneficial to U.S. national security program. The spokesman said the United States is willing to work with the Russians to update the program.

The U.S.-financed program is set to expire next year. It is credited with eliminating stockpiles of nuclear missiles and chemical weapons, ensuring the shipment of nuclear weapons out of the former Soviet republics of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus, and preventing such weapons from falling into the wrong hands.

The program also led to the dismantling of more than 7,600 nuclear warheads.

Russia's top military officials have long complained the program gives the U.S. too much information about the nation's military technologies and weapons sites.

The move comes a few weeks after Russia announced it is expelling the U.S. Agency for International Development, the American foreign aid program.

Russia accused USAID of trying to "influence political processes through the distribution of grants."

Source here:  

Global Terrorists or New World Order?

For all the truth seekers who care about justice, accountability, individual freedom, the Constitution and the American way, here is a question. Are we fighting to expose the globalists who have hijacked democracy, freedom and the Constitution to impose their will on the masses?

Yes we are. Many people call this the “New World Order” and rightly so as George H.W. Bush and many others have coined this phrase in the past and it has become a commonly used term to refer to the so-called global elite plan for world domination.

Let us take a closer look, however, at this topic of names and titles. Anyone who knows a thing or two about marketing and brand building knows that sometimes it’s all in the name.
Finally, the “New World Order” blueprint these criminals have designed is the very proof of why we must continue to fight to expose and eventually dissolve this ideology. Humanity will get there in due time. Let us all continue this fight and let the chips fall where they may. For humanity that is good news, for the globalists not so good.

Learn more ‘What’s in a name’ here:
SOLA 3.9 The Rape of Russia

For the Full, Commercial Free, 10 Modules of the Sons of Liberty Academy plus hundreds of supporting documents and videos go to http://SonsOfLibertyAcademy.com

SOLA 3.9 The Rape of Russia  

Vladimir Putin exposes the NWO PART 1

Vladimir Putin Speech at the Munich Press Conference in Germany! Notice that there are certain countries that did not show this on the News? Also notice that there are certain countries that don't want Putin to become the president again and that's why are showing propaganda against Putin and Russia?

If you’re against the evil NWO then remember to support Putin regardless of skin color, nationality or religion! thanks!

Vladimir Putin exposes the NWO PART 1 

SYNOPSIS: 3rd World Peeps of A. 3 cents…

Diane Johnstone accusation to Amnesty International that are in bed with Two-party Plutocracy! Does it hold water? What’s your take? #Bahrain

By following the Real Alternative News and always curios for what’s going in our Virtual Earth. It is easy to connect the dots besides knowing the geopolitical history of the Land of the Free. Let alone the Two-Party Plutocracy in the Land of the FREESHEEP. A big example is the never ending chameleon style of the so called “NGO” like U.S. Agency for International Development, the American foreign aid program.

They did orchestrate the coup d’etat in Ecuador two years ago to replace the ‘democratically elect’ Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa. But to no avail because of the will of the people.

And Russia did the right thing to expel USAID in their country.

What about Vladimir Putin’s speech exposing the NWO in 2007?

Pretty amazing, isn’t it? H/t and Kudos to Putin for exposing it, why we are not hearing it from Baritt Obamney. Ooh, I forgot they are the GREAT Puppets of the Puppeteers.

With that being said, I’ll leave you with ONE article to read and analyze…


When Congressional Reece Committee research director Norman Dodd's legal assistant Kathryn Casey looked at the planning documents for the founding of the Carnegie Endowment, she found something quite revealing. She found that they determined war would be helpful in furthering their objectives. Relevant to this, Rene Wormser in FOUNDATIONS: THEIR POWER AND INFLUENCE (1958) wrote that the head of the endowment, Nicholas Murray Butler, used the endowment's funds to get the U.S. into World War I.

The year after the endowment was founded in 1910, Robert Minor's cartoon in the ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH in 1911 depicted members of the power elite (John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P Morgan, etc.) welcoming Karl Marx and his "socialism" to Wall Street. The next year Woodrow Wilson ran for president, and his "handler" for the power elite, Colonel Edward M. House, assured his bosses that Wilson would support the Federal Reserve's establishment in 1913.


We are the MEDIA! Stop the Boiling Frog Syndrome!

Nobody OWNS your Mind but YOU! #TwoPartyConJob

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #BarittObamney

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.” #TPD #TPP

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE the Self-Interest Politicians OUT in Congress! #Agenda21 Law of Sea Treaty > #LOST

Because the Game is Rigged then it needs an Illegitimate result!

Tomorrow is the End of Today! #DUMB

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty

Headlines: The Land of the FREE! This is America… NOW Part One!

Plus additional News and Videos:

28 Good Questions That The Mainstream Media Should Be Asking
Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read
FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America
Speak up: US law enforcement to use Russian software to store millions of voices
Woman banned from flight for refusing to let TSA 'test' her water (VIDEO)
Mother of man killed by NYPD gets billed for dent in police car created by her son’s body
Cops expose NYPD's Stop and Frisk Program ... A Must See Documentary!

And now for the news…

Not Playing Washington's Game Anymore is the Way the People Win

Stop Playing Washington’s game is the key.

Playing their game has only allowed the system to cheat the people while they gain in power. It is like a tug a war contest where two sides are pulling for power.
In our case, the system has had us in this tug a war game for so long wearing us down where they play dirty while they say we have to play by the rules they written.

So I ask, what are our options with this tug a war game? Do we keep pulling the rope knowing they will cheat with one set of rules for them and another set of rules for us that is designed to make us lose in the end? Do we drop the rope walking away saying we are not playing their game anymore?

Learn to Stop Playing tug a war here:  

28 Good Questions That The Mainstream Media Should Be Asking

Why is there so little trust in the mainstream media these days? CNN ratings have been hovering close to record lows over the past few months. A recent Gallup survey found that 60 percent of all Americans "have little or no trust" in the mainstream media. That was a record high according to Gallup. So why is this happening?

Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media quit telling the truth a long time ago. The mainstream media has an agenda, and more Americans than ever are beginning to recognize this. Once upon a time, control of the news in the United States was at least somewhat decentralized. But now there are just six giant media corporations that control almost everything that we see, hear and watch. The version of "the news" that they give us is designed to serve the interests of those corporate giants and the other corporate giants that spend billions of dollars to advertise their products through those outlets.

Learn more here:

Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read

The six corporations that collectively control U.S. media today are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., CBS Corporation and NBC Universal. Together, the "big six" absolutely dominate news and entertainment in the United States. But even those areas of the media that the "big six" do not completely control are becoming increasingly concentrated. For example, Clear Channel now owns over 1000 radio stations across the United States. Companies like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are increasingly dominating the Internet.

But it is the "big six" that are the biggest concerns. When you control what Americans watch, hear and read you gain a great deal of control over what they think. They don't call it "programming" for nothing.

Learn more here:  

SYNOPSIS: 3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents.

An informative post without ending it with a great stories, ain’t great at all?
That being said, I’ll leave you with some TRUE articles to read and analyze.

Be Proud! Stand on the Ground! Stand Tall! #NothingHappened

Human Nature: Person hasn’t been affected by the STATUS QUO would always IGNORE the TRUTH other than REAL Humanitarian and Patriotic Ones!

FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America

Speak up: US law enforcement to use Russian software to store millions of voices
Woman banned from flight for refusing to let TSA 'test' her water (VIDEO)
Mother of man killed by NYPD gets billed for dent in police car created by her son’s body. 

According to his mother, Robinson was working at a muffin shop while also trying to make additional money by hawking items like paving stones to scrap dealers.

The bill, which the British Daily Mail characterized as “a brutal blood-money demand,” was dated September 27, with the reason for the $710 being listed as “property damage to a vehicle owned by the New York Police Department.”

The bill added that the family would be facing a lawsuit if they failed to pay within 10 days of receiving it.

“We’re still grieving, and this is like a slap in the face,” said Laverne Dobbinson, Robinson’s 45-year-old mother, to the New York Daily News.

Learn more here:

NYPD Kills Son ~ Sends Mom The Bill  

Cops expose NYPD's Stop and Frisk Program ... A Must See Documentary!

"An Inside Look at the NYPD's Stop-and-Frisk Policy. A secret audio recording of a stop-and-frisk in action sheds unprecedented light on a practice that has put the city's young people of color in the NYPD's crosshairs." - Ross Tuttle

Cops expose NYPD's Stop and Frisk Program ... A Must See Documentary! 

Nobody OWNS your Mind but YOU! #TwoPartyConJob

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #BarittObamney

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.” #TPD #TPP

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE the Self-Interest Politicians OUT in Congress! #Agenda21 #LOST

Because the Game is Rigged then it needs an Illegitimate result!

Tomorrow is the End of Today! #DUMB

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty